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The Communitas Experience has been designed as an affordable and accessible tool to serve the local church. At its core the Communitas Experience is a week long, immersive experience that challenges and equips men to show up and step up in their christian life. It has been created to work within a normal week, meaning that it will not interfere with work, family, social life any more than necessary!

There are three key principles to the Communitas Experience. These principles, when put together create a winning result!


According to research, as much as half of our daily behaviours happen in the same place at roughly the same time, every single day. I love routine, but like any good rule, it’s meant to be broken once in a while.  According to neuroscientist Gregory Berns, “only when you consciously confront your brain’s reliance on categories will you be able to imagine outside of its boundaries.” So, on a Communitas Experience week, expect to have routine interrupted!


To consume content about a subject is one thing, but to immerse yourself in a conversation about a subject takes your results to a whole new level! The Communitas Experience has been created with a conversation at its core. We utilise a number of tools to create a week long conversation, resulting in action steps. So, on a Communitas Experience week, expect to give and receive challenge and inspiration through an immersive conversation.


Modern christian life is in danger of becoming so safe and, to be frank, boring. When I read the Bible, when I glance through church history, when I read current stories around the world I never fail to be inspired by the adventurous and courageous lives that men have led in pursuit of glorifying God. So, on a Communitas Experience week, expect to be taken on a physical adventure, designed to whet your appetite for a life of courageous adventure for the Kingdom of God!


Please contact us if you would like to organise a Communitas Experience in your church. We would love to be a part of what God is doing where you are!

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